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Why Are GPOs Contracting for Cellular Networks?

Demand for Robust Wireless Connectivity in Healthcare Is Growing

Resilient indoor connectivity is crucial for the efficient and reliable delivery of digital solutions that elevate healthcare quality, including electronic health record (EHR) systems, devices, telehealth platforms, and effective data management tools一especially as adoption of these and other advanced technologies grows.

5G Cellular Networks Help Future-Proof Health Care Facilities 

Legacy solutions such as WiFi and public cellular networks won't meet the increasing volume and speed requirements of modern digital healthcare technologies and applications. Preventing operational disruption is crucial. 

5G cellular DAS offers enhanced reliability and security, faster speeds, lower latency, and the ability to support a higher density of connected devices. It means hospitals can future-proof their facilities now, ensuring they are equipped to handle the growing demand for bandwidth.

Contracting for Cellular Networks = Greater ROI

GPO contracting for cellular network solutions boosts ROI by helping ensure digital tools and applications perform optimally, regardless of network volume and traffic. This holistic approach enhances both technological excellence and financial efficiencies across participating healthcare facilities.

Airtower Is the First & Only Vizient Awarded Supplier for Cellular DAS

As the first and only Vizient awarded supplier for cellular DAS一and with additional GPO partnerships in the works一Airtower Networks stands out as the premier choice for GPOs seeking resilient connectivity providers.

With extensive experience in the healthcare sector, Airtower offers a connectivity-as-a-service model that includes the custom design, implementation, and management of cutting-edge cellular networks. 

Contracting with Airtower Networks also eliminates the need to deal with multiple vendors (including carriers), streamlining the process and helping ensure an exceptional and more cohesive service.

Talk to the Airtower team today to learn more.